Review: Windows Phone 7 a new start for Microsoft

When it comes to smart phones, Microsoft is itching to get back in the game. Microsoft was sick of watching consumers flock to Apple's iPhone and smart phones running Google's Android software as its own Windows Mobile software ...

Eee Pad: AsusTek unveils Windows 7 tablet computer

(AP) -- Taiwan's AsusTek Computer Inc. unveiled Monday a portable tablet computer that runs on Microsoft's Windows 7 operating system, joining a slew of manufacturers trying to tap demand for the sleek devices following Apple's ...

New Windows phones won't run current apps

(AP) -- Microsoft Corp. has said its new software for smart phones, Windows Phone 7 series, is a "clean break" with the past. Now it's clear just how clean that break is: The new phones, expected late this year, won't run ...

Microsoft launches Windows 7 (Update)

Microsoft's much-heralded Windows 7 went on sale around the world Thursday as the US software giant seeks to reboot after the disappointment of its previous generation operating system Vista.

Windows 7 to salvage Vista 'train wreck'

Microsoft releases Windows 7 to the world on Thursday as the US software giant tries to regain its stride after an embarrassing stumble with the previous generation operating system Vista.

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