Measuring wind turbines remotely

The rotor and mast of a wind turbine can oscillate even in normal operation. The analysis of these oscillations plays an important role when the equipment is being developed and maintained. Up to now, this analysis has ...

New hybrid technology set to change the future of renewables

A new hybrid technology that integrates wind and solar power generation is set to overcome many of the problems associated with traditional renewable power systems and revolutionise the green energy sector.

Cold climate wind energy showing huge potential

Wind energy capacity is growing rapidly in the cold climates of the world. According to the latest forecasts, between 45 and 50 gigawatts of wind energy will be built in cold climates by 2017, which would mean an increase ...

Endurance test of an offshore wind turbine in the laboratory

Scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology IWES in Kassel are testing the complex control system of wind turbines under real conditions in the laboratory before they are built into ...

Spotting the invisible cracks in wind turbines

(—A significant percentage of the costs of wind energy is due to wind turbine failures, as components are weakened under turbulent air flow conditions and need to be replaced. The challenge for the team was to ...

Wind turbine with record-breaking rotors

Siemens has produced the world's longest rotor blades for wind turbines. Measuring 75 meters in length, the blades are almost as big as the wingspan of an Airbus A380. Beginning this fall, the B75 rotor blades will be installed ...

Electricity in the air

( -- The faster a wind turbine's blade spins, the more energy you can get from it. And the farther you get from the hub, the faster that part of the blade is traveling. So the tips of the blades generate most of ...

Naturally adhesive

Until now most adhesives have been manufactured from petroleum-based materials. However, they can also be obtained from renewable raw materials -- for example from proteins, natural rubber, starch, or cellulose. Fraunhofer ...

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