Q&A: Europe's freezing Easter and global warming

(AP)—Is it Easter or Christmas? Many Europeans would be forgiven for being confused by winter's icy grip on lands that should be thawing in springtime temperatures by now.

A new state of Venus's ionosphere

Observations from NASA's Pioneer Venus orbiter, which reached Venus in 1978, suggested that Venus's ionosphere had two states: a magnetized state with a large- scale horizontal magnetic field and an unmagnetized state with ...

Are dust devils whirling around the Curiosity rover?

In this latest update from the MSL team, Ashwin Vasavada, the Deputy Project Scientist, explains how Curiosity has been monitoring the winds and radiation levels in Gale Crater. Curiosity has also been looking for dust devils—the ...

Controlling air flow over wings during supersonic flight

EU-funded researchers evaluated control techniques of air flow over aeroplane wings during supersonic flight. The optimal wing design developed should lead to important reductions in noise, emissions and fuel consumption.

Solar storms can destabilize power grids at midlatitudes

The Sun is capable of disrupting electrical systems on Earth in a variety of ways, from solar flares and coronal mass ejections to proton storms. Typically, it is only objects far above the Earth's surface, or systems at ...

Calculating tidal energy turbines' effects on sediments and fish

The emerging tidal-energy industry is spawning another in its shadow: tidal-energy monitoring. Little is known about tidal turbines' environmental effects and environmentalists, regulators and turbine manufacturers all need ...

Safely anchored at sea

(PhysOrg.com) -- Different layers of the seabed reflect sound waves in a specific way. German researchers are harnessing the benefits of this fact to efficiently track down suitable offshore sites for wind energy plants. ...

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