Optical illusion spooks raptors

Researchers from the CNRS and Université de Rennes 1, in collaboration with Airbus, have designed a visual pattern that elicits long-term avoidance of high-risk areas by raptors. The work clears the way for further investigation ...

NASA finds little improvement in Miriam's structure

When NASA's Aqua satellite passed over Tropical Storm Miriam Aug. 27 and infrared data showed slight improvement from the day before. On Aug. 28, wind shear was still affecting the storm.

The 100th meridian, where the Great Plains begin, may be shifting

In 1878, the American geologist and explorer John Wesley Powell drew an invisible line in the dirt-a very long line. It was the 100th meridian west, the longitude he identified as the boundary between the humid eastern United ...

El Nino and global warming—what's the connection?

The United Nations has declared 2015 the hottest year since record keeping began. It was also a year marked by the occurrence of a "super" El Niño. El Niño is a phenomenon that disrupts normal weather patterns, bringing ...

Dunes, dust devils and the Martian weather

I study how windblown desert features can be used to monitor wind patterns and atmospheric conditions in remote places, such as Mars, where there are plenty of pictures of the surface but not many instruments on the ground.

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