Coldest Northern Hemisphere temperature officially confirmed

Nearly 30 years after recording a temperature of minus 93.2 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 69.6 Celsius) in Greenland, the measurement has been verified by the World Meteorological Organization as the coldest recorded temperature ...

The dark dunes of Mars: Moreux crater

Known for its wide swathes of rippling, textured, gently sloping dunes, the Terra Sabaea region on Mars is home to many fascinating geological features—including the prominent Moreux crater, the star of a new image from ...

When bushfires create their own weather system

The recent bushfires in Australia have been terrifying. As we talk of firenadoes and megablazes, we're understanding just how dangerous and unpredictable fire behavior can be.

Earth, wind, flora sway Trinidad sulfur levels

As scientists observe the force of nature through a satellite weather tracker, they only see the day's events. To observe the long-term atmospheric influence, University of Cincinnati geologists are taking research a step ...

Facial recognition technique could improve hail forecasts

The same artificial intelligence technique typically used in facial recognition systems could help improve prediction of hailstorms and their severity, according to a new study from the National Center for Atmospheric Research ...

Dung beetles use wind compass when the sun is high

Researchers have shown for the first time that an animal uses different directional sensors to achieve the highest possible navigational precision in different conditions. When the sun is high, dung beetles navigate using ...

Jets and winds from galaxy cores appear to share a common cause

Astronomers have a rough understanding of how galaxies emit jets from their cores. Galaxy cores also blow out winds of ionized gas, for which researchers lack a general explanation. SRON astronomers have now found a correlation ...

Trembling aspen leaves could save future Mars rovers

Researchers at the University of Warwick have been inspired by the unique movement of trembling aspen leaves, to devise an energy harvesting mechanism that could power weather sensors in hostile environments and could even ...

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