NASA satellites see Typhoon Pabuk's shrinking eye close

Typhoon Pabuk's eye was clear on visible and infrared NASA satellite imagery on Sept. 24, and one day later high clouds covered the center and Pabuk's eye was "closed." Satellite data also showed that Pabuk's eye shrunk by ...

NASA follows Tropical Storm Talim's heavy rainfall over Taiwan

Tropical storm Talim has produced torrential rainfall over southern Taiwan as it pumped warm moist air from the South China Sea over mountainous terrain. The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission satellite called TRMM flew ...

GPM satellite sees Typhoon Champi still going strong

The Global Precipitation Measurement mission, or GPM, core satellite is getting a workout in the western North Pacific Ocean as it gathered rainfall and cloud height data on Typhoon Champi.

Two satellites measured rainfall in Tropical Depression Mekkhala

The first tropical depression of the 2015 western Pacific season formed southwest of Guam on January 13 and is predicted to intensify into a tropical storm while headed toward the Philippines. NASA's TRMM and GPM satellites ...

COVID-19: Aeolus and weather forecasts

We are all too aware that COVID-19 is a serious threat to health, is putting huge pressure on healthcare systems and it could leave the global economy struggling for years to come. With lockdown measures in force across the ...

NASA analyzed Tropical Storm Fernand's strength before landfall

NASA's Aqua satellite provided forecasters at the National Hurricane Center with infrared data and cloud top temperature information for Tropical Storm Fernand as it was making landfall in northeastern Mexico. Those temperatures ...

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