Study proposes first nationwide wildlife conservation network

Wolves, elk and grizzly bears - some of the largest wild animals in America - are literally dying for more room to roam. But Alexander Fremier, associate professor in the School of the Environment at Washington State University, ...

Rock theft destroying snake habitat

One of the oldest and most spectacular animals found in the Sydney basin has become a casualty of the city's love for bush gardens.

Plight of imperiled Montana insect draws lawsuit

Wildlife advocates asked a judge Wednesday to force federal officials to decide if a rare aquatic insect that's found only in Montana's Glacier National Park should be protected under the Endangered Species Act.

'Tiger heavyweight' Nepal hosts anti-poaching summit

Nepal's success in turning tiger-fearing villagers into their protectors has seen none of the endangered cats killed for almost three years, offering key lessons for an anti-poaching summit opening in Kathmandu on Monday.

A sneaky snake: Teams hunt for rock pythons in Everglades

For all the danger posed to Florida's Everglades by invasive Burmese pythons, there's one thing researchers don't want to know: how they would interact with another python species that threatens to move into the same territory.

Gray wolf travels more than 500 miles, then gets shot in Utah

Long trip, sad ending. A 3-year-old female gray wolf, after traveling more than 500 miles from Wyoming, was shot and killed in southwestern Utah after a hunter apparently mistook her for a coyote, state officials said Monday.

Australia to ban waste dumping on Great Barrier Reef

Australia said Thursday it will ban the dumping of dredging waste on most of the Great Barrier Reef as environmentalists called for the government to go further and commit to a total halt.

Call for greater protection at World Parks Congress

Thousands of representatives from more than 160 nations meet in Australia this week at the once-a-decade World Parks Congress as scientists warn that countries are failing to care for protected areas.

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