Zimbabwe elephant poisoning toll reaches 100

Zimbabwean wildlife authorities said Tuesday they had discovered another 10 elephant carcasses, bringing the number of the animals poisoned by cyanide for their ivory to over 100 in the past month.

Greenpeace slams Poland's new river protection law

Environmentalists on Friday slammed the passing of a controversial law in Poland on the revitalization of the Oder river, which was hit by toxic algae growth last year that caused mass fish deaths.

Malaysia makes massive seizure of pangolin scales

Malaysian authorities seized about six tonnes of pangolin scales and smashed a smuggling syndicate, officials said Wednesday, as the country clamps down on rampant wildlife trafficking.

Tyson the stray hippo captured in Mexico

A stray hippopotamus that had been roaming around the countryside in Mexico has been captured after a 10-day hunt and relocated to a wildlife refuge, authorities said Tuesday.

Mozambique's elephants under threat

Mozambique's elephant population risks being obliterated within a decade unless tight anti-poaching measures are introduced, conservationists have warned.

Transport sector joins fight against wildlife crime

The global fight against wildlife crime received another major boost with the signing of a declaration at Buckingham Palace in London committing the leaders of the global transportation industry to take concrete steps to ...

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