Wildebeest feast: Mass drownings fuel the Mara River ecosystem

(Millbrook, NY) Each year, more than a million wildebeest migrate through Africa's Serengeti Mara Ecosystem. While crossing the Kenyan reach of the Mara River, thousands perish. A new study, published today in the Proceedings ...

Scientists develop vaccine against cattle disease

(Phys.org) —Malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) is a disease that is almost always fatal in cattle. Cows contract MCF after coming into contact with wildebeest carrying a form of herpes virus known as alcelaphine herpesvirus ...

How does the loss of a wildebeest migration also harm giraffes?

Animal migrations are among the world's most awe-inspiring natural phenomena. This complex behaviour includes repeated, long-distance, seasonal movements between breeding and non-breeding sites. Unfortunately, animal migrations ...

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