Colombia declares emergency over raging forest fires

Colombia has declared a state of emergency in two regions as dozens of forest fires burned wide swathes of the country and left the capital choking on smoke during record temperatures linked with the El NiƱo weather phenomenon.

Forest fires burn in Colombia amid record heat

At least 21 forest fires are burning in Colombia as it endures record temperatures, in some cases prompting wild animals to seek shelter in urban areas, authorities said Wednesday.

Orangutan male success not due to dominance alone, study finds

In primates, the biggest, bossiest males usually get to father the most offspring; and for a long time it was thought that this rule applied to orangutans too. Male orangutans openly compete; and it's the older males with ...

'Countless' animals threatened by fires ravaging Europe

As wildfires supercharged by climate change-induced drought and heatwaves ravage southern Europe, conservationists are increasingly concerned for the fate of the continent's wild species which are struggling to stay ahead ...

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