Was 'Iceman Otzi' a Copper Age fashionista?

The 5,300-year-old Alpine mummy known as the Tyrolean Iceman died wearing leather clothes and accessories harvested from no less than five wild or domesticated species, a DNA analysis published Thursday revealed.

Conservation of Nara Park deer results in unique genetic lineage

The existing wildlife of a region is heavily shaped over generations by environmental factors and human activity. Activities like urbanization and hunting are known to reduce wildlife populations. However, some cultural or ...

'Countless' animals threatened by fires ravaging Europe

As wildfires supercharged by climate change-induced drought and heatwaves ravage southern Europe, conservationists are increasingly concerned for the fate of the continent's wild species which are struggling to stay ahead ...

Citizen science data are crucial to understand wildlife roadkill

The road is a dangerous place for animals: They can easily get run over, which can seriously affect wildlife diversity and populations in the long term. There is also a human economic cost and possible injury or even death ...

Mad cow disease changed the diet of the Galician wolf

The Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease crisis in Europe was a turning point for the diet of the Galician wolf, which until the year 2000, had primarily fed on the carrion of domestic animals. A new study shows that after European ...

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