Denial of structural racism linked to anti-Black prejudice

People who deny the existence of structural racism are more likely to exhibit anti-Black prejudice and less likely to show racial empathy or openness to diversity, according to research published by the American Psychological ...

What drives young people to commit hate crimes

It happened again over the weekend: another mass shooting and alleged hate crime, this time in Buffalo, New York, that left 10 dead and three injured. Most of the victims were Black. The 18-year-old accused shooter said he ...

Teens more likely to disengage from school after police stops

Teens who are stopped by the police are more likely to report greater disengagement from school the next day, and racial and ethnic minority youth reported more invasive police encounters than white youth, according to research ...

Traffic stops and race: Police conduct may bend to local biases

Traffic stops, which happen approximately 50,000 times each day in the United States, are the most common interaction between law enforcement and the public, according to data from the Stanford Open Policing Project. These ...

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