Parents remain concerned about safety of in-person instruction

A gap remains between white parents and Black and Hispanic parents in their preferences for in-person schooling, but it has narrowed since May. The RAND Corporation survey, funded by The Rockefeller Foundation, details parents' ...

It's never too early to talk with children about race

Infants as young as six months old can recognize differences in skin color. By age two and a half, research has shown, children prefer playmates who are similar in race and gender. And as early as age three, they are forming ...

Why rich parents are more likely to be unethical

Federal attorneys have arrested 50 people in a college admission scam that allowed wealthy parents to buy their kids' admission to elite universities. Prosecutors found that parents together paid up to US$6.5 million to ...

Exploring media use among young Hispanic children

Hispanic children read for more than an hour a day, an average of 14 minutes more per day than non-Hispanic white children, according to a new study released today (Dec. 11) by Northwestern University and the National Center ...

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