Children develop prejudice at an early age

Children in the Netherlands develop prejudices based on ethnicity at an early age. Ymke de Bruijn came to this conclusion in her dissertation "Child Interethnic Prejudice in the Netherlands: Social Learning from Parents and ...

White clover's toxic tricks traced to its hybridization

White clover is a weed that grows the world over—there's a good chance you have some growing in your yard today. The plant that yard-preeners love to hate was spawned about 20,000 years ago when two European clover species ...

Parents remain concerned about safety of in-person instruction

A gap remains between white parents and Black and Hispanic parents in their preferences for in-person schooling, but it has narrowed since May. The RAND Corporation survey, funded by The Rockefeller Foundation, details parents' ...

It's never too early to talk with children about race

Infants as young as six months old can recognize differences in skin color. By age two and a half, research has shown, children prefer playmates who are similar in race and gender. And as early as age three, they are forming ...

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