Microbe risk when rover wheels hit martian dirt

Earth microbes trying to make it to Mars must survive sterilization in NASA's clean rooms, harsh cosmic rays during months of space travel, and the Red Planet's unforgiving surface environment. But any bacteria that successfully ...

European researchers driving road safety

Safety while driving is paramount, and Europeans are making efforts to ensure our well-being in vehicles - whether we are behind the steering wheel or in a passenger seat. The project partners have pushed the envelope by ...

Don't coil it, pour it

For the electric car to roll, a lot of large and small components must function in a safe and reliable manner. Parts for wheel hub motors, in particular, need to be constructed in a robust manner. The researchers from Fraunhofer ...

Balls, blocks, cars among high-tech toys at CES

Balls, blocks and miniature cars with a high-tech twist were among the toys at the Consumer Electronics Show -- although at prices only adults who are still children at heart may be able to afford.

Reinventing the wheel

Creating a wheel for some of the worst potholes known to humankind is just one of the extraterrestrial challenges a team of McGill students and professors face in developing and testing a wheel prototype for the new Lunar ...

Rowheel wheelchair is pulled to move forward

(PhysOrg.com) -- Wheelchairs have a basic problem because the occupant must push the wheels forward to turn the chair’s wheels, but this action is physically stressful on the anterior deltoid muscles in the shoulder ...

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