Climate change will cut crop yields: study

Climate change will have a negative effect on key crops such as wheat, rice, and maize, according to a major scientific report out Tuesday that reviewed 70 prior studies on global warming and agriculture.

Tackling iron and zinc deficiencies with 'better' bread

The health effects of zinc and iron deficiencies can be devastating, particularly in developing countries. One strategy for addressing this problem involves fertilizing crops with the micronutrients. But no one has yet figured ...

Dust Bowl would devastate today's crops, study finds

A drought on the scale of the legendary Dust Bowl crisis of the 1930s would have similarly destructive effects on U.S. agriculture today, despite technological and agricultural advances, a new study finds. Additionally, warming ...

Sowing mainstream wheat varieties too early can risk yield

Local farmers who are preparing to sow their wheat crops over the next fortnight should hold off, according to local scientists who warn sowing mainstream varieties too early can risk yield penalties at the end of the season.

Wheat choice has lasting effect on soil health and yield

Scientists investigating how to control take-all, a fungus that lives in soil and infects wheat roots to cause disease, have discovered that different varieties of wheat have distinct and lasting impacts on the health of ...

Break crops combat ryegrass headache

One of Western Australia's largest ever crop sequencing trials has provided scientists with evidence that break crops can have a significant impact on weed populations in the longer term.

Designer wheat fails anti-aphid field test

The scientific quest for pest-resistant crops suffered a blow Thursday when disappointed British researchers announced their designer wheat failed to repel aphids in the field.

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