Japan whale 'research' a flashpoint in global dispute

Japan says the work that goes on at the Institute of Cetacean Research is crucial for studying whale populations; critics counter it is a way to get around an international ban on commercial whaling.

Japan vows to keep whale hunt after activist clash

Japan vowed to continue its whale hunt in the Southern Ocean after clashes with the militant conservationist Sea Shepherd group, which claimed Tokyo had been forced to end the mission.

Humpback whales rebounding on Brazil's coast

(AP)—An institute that tracks the population of Humpback whales that reproduce along Brazil's coast says the number of the once-threatened mammals has tripled over the last 10 years.

Rescued killer whale starts new life in Spain

A female killer whale captured in the North Sea began a new life in the Canary Islands on Wednesday after being flown over from The Netherlands, a Spanish zoo said.

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