Putting a price on the protective power of wetlands

In coastal communities prone to hurricanes and tropical storms, people typically turn to engineered solutions for protection: levees, sea walls and the like. But a natural buffer in the form of wetlands may be the more cost-effective ...

The Everglades still threatened by excess nutrients

Since 1985, a state agency has constructed and continues to maintain hundreds of square kilometers of wetlands built to regulate the amount of nutrients reaching the Everglades in southern Florida. But this is proving to ...

A new global wetlands map

A new global map of the world's wetlands has been produced by an international research team led by former master's student Etienne Fluet-Chouinard and Prof. Bernhard Lehner of McGill's Department of Geography. In a paper ...

Frostquakes: A new earthquake risk in the north?

A new study has identified a potentially growing natural hazard in the north: frostquakes. With climate change contributing to many observed changes in weather extremes, such as heavy precipitation and cold waves, these seismic ...

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