Tropical insects are extremely sensitive to changing climates

Insects that are adapted to perennially wet environments, like tropical rainforests, don't tend to do well when their surroundings dry out. New research published this Wednesday indicates they may be equally averse to heavy ...

Stalagmites reveal Australia's pre-colonial bushfire history

Like Plato's Cave, where fires reveal the portrait of an otherwise hidden reality, researchers have for the first time used a stalagmite's chemical signal to reveal the nature of Australia's historic wildfires, identifying ...

Rainfall becomes increasingly variable as climate warms

Climate models predict that rainfall variability over wet regions globally will be greatly enhanced by global warming, causing wide swings between dry and wet conditions, according to a joint study by the Institute of Atmospheric ...

Europe's oldest lake traces 1.36 million years of climate

By analysing sediment cores from the bed of Europe's oldest lake, an international team of scientists has created a detailed climate history of the north-central Mediterranean stretching back 1.36 million years—and revealed ...

Record-wet and record-dry months increased in regions worldwide

More rainfall extremes are observed in regions around the globe, setting both wet and dry records, a new study shows. Yet there are big differences between regions: The central and Eastern U.S., northern Europe and northern ...

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