Climate change expected to increase wildfire danger

WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF) researchers expect an elevated wildfire danger in the Alpine Foreland from 2040 onwards due to changing meteorological conditions. The danger currently remains very low ...

Why the kookaburra's iconic laugh is at risk of being silenced

Once, while teaching a class of environmental science students in China's Hebei University of Science and Technology, I asked who knew what a laughing kookaburra was. There were many blank faces. Then I tilted my head, much ...

Elite coaches migrating to Western countries to advance careers

Nations battling for Olympic success in a global sporting 'arms race' has led to elite coaches migrating to Western countries as they bid to escape antiquated and restrictive coaching regimes in their home countries, reveals ...

Are the world's cultures growing apart?

Cultural values may have become more different globally, but more similar regionally, over the past 40 years according to a paper published in Nature Communications. The authors suggest that over time, high-income Western ...

Video: Total solar eclipse seen from space

A total solar eclipse swept across North America yesterday, blocking out the sun momentarily with parts of the continent plunged into darkness. Geostationary satellites orbiting 36,000 km away captured images of the rare ...

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