Young men feel the most threatened by advances in women's rights

It is not the older generation but young men who have the most difficulty in accepting advances in women's rights. This has been shown by a large study from the University of Gothenburg on gender equality and sexism in Europe.

Global analysis identifies at-risk forests

Forests are engaged in a delicate, deadly dance with climate change, sucking carbon dioxide out of the air with billions of leafy straws and hosting abundant biodiversity, as long as climate change, with its droughts, wildfires ...

Hibernating insects regrow muscles on demand

Even as gas prices soar, most people don't destroy their car's engine just to save energy—and that's one luxury certain insects have that those humans don't.

Could we learn to love slugs and snails in our gardens?

Before you squash or poison the next slug or snail you see in your garden, consider this: The British Royal Horticultural Society no longer classifies these gastropods as pests. Why on earth would a leading gardening organization ...

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