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New Antarctic rift data has implications for volcanic evolution

New data revealing two tectonic plates fused to form a single Antarctic Plate 15 million years later than originally predicted and this extra motion has major implications for understanding of the tectono-volcanic activity ...

What lies beneath: NASA Antarctic sub goes subglacial

(—When researcher Alberto Behar from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., joined an international Antarctic expedition last month on a trek to investigate a subglacial lake, he brought with him ...

Climate engineering could slow Antarctic ice loss, study says

Scattering sunlight-reflecting particles in the atmosphere could slow rapid melting in West Antarctica and reduce the risk of catastrophic sea-level rise, according to a study led by Indiana University researchers.

Clock Is ticking in West Antarctic

Reports that a portion of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet has begun to irretrievably collapse, threatening a 4-foot rise in sea levels over the next couple of centuries, surged through the news media last week. But many are ...

Seeing Antarctica's future more clearly

Do you love to lose yourself in little things? To read every footnote of a book, watch ants in a patch of grass, memorise every mole on a lover's skin?

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