How one US state went from two quakes a year to 585

The central US state of Oklahoma has gone from registering two earthquakes a year to nearly two a day and scientists point to a controversial culprit: wastewater injection wells used in fracking.

Super graphene can help treat cancer

Silver is often used as a coating on medical equipment used for chemotherapy. The problem is that this silver coating can break down drugs. Now, researchers have found a graphene coating that will help boost chemotherapy's ...

Natural gas firm asked to show it's not causing Texas quakes

A natural gas extraction company controlled by energy giant Exxon Mobil sought to prove Wednesday that it is not to blame for a recent rash of small earthquakes in North Texas, telling a powerful state agency that it believes ...

EPA: No widespread harm to drinking water from fracking (Update)

Hydraulic fracturing to drill for oil and natural gas has not caused widespread harm to drinking water in the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency said Thursday in a report that also warned of potential contamination ...

College students report more stress, less time to socialize

Today's high school seniors aren't partying and socializing as much as their parents' generation—they're too busy trying to get into college, and when they get there, some don't feel good about themselves, a new survey ...

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