Understanding high efficiency of deep ultraviolet LEDs

Deep ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (DUV-LEDs) made from aluminium gallium nitride (AlGaN) efficiently transfer electrical energy to optical energy due to the growth of one of its bottom layers in a step-like fashion. ...

EPA hits chemical maker for not notifying on new compounds

A chemical maker's North Carolina plant may have broken federal law by failing to notify the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency before it started manufacturing and repurposing new industrial compounds, the agency said this ...

Arsenic contamination is common in Punjabi wells, study finds

While most Americans have access to safe, potable water, populations in some regions of the world are not as fortunate. In fact, the majority of some 90 million people who live in the Punjab areas of Pakistan and India drink ...

'Wise consumers' show the way to better living, professor finds

Americans hear a lot about consumerism and materialism. But most either think it applies to others or succumb to the notion that there's no way around it, given our culture and the pervasive influence of the market, which ...

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