Finding faults: evidence of past earthquakes

(—Delaware Geological Survey (DGS) scientists have uncovered hard proof of faults in northern Delaware, indicating the occurrence of earthquakes millions of years ago.

As air pollution from fracking rises, EPA to set rules

The rush to capture natural gas from hydraulic fracturing has led to giant compressor stations alongside backyard swing sets, drilling rigs in sight of front porches, and huge flares at gas wells alongside country roads.

Faster colloidal fluorescence emitters: Nanoplatelets

( -- Significant advances in the application of colloidal structures as light emitters and lasers may soon be realized following the discovery of very fast fluorescence emission rates in colloidal nanoplatelets. ...

EPA theorizes fracking-pollution link

(AP) -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced Thursday for the first time that fracking - a controversial method of improving the productivity of oil and gas wells - may be to blame for causing groundwater pollution.

Amid US gas boom, split over environment risks

The United States is seeing a natural gas boom thanks to discoveries of abundant shale gas, and at the same time a groundswell of opposition from critics who say the environmental risks from drilling are too great.

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