Cash transfers, childhood development and the labor market

Nearly every country in Latin America has a conditional cash transfer program. Poor households living below the poverty line can receive government subsidies if they agree to the program's stipulations, usually a mandate ...

Software estimates likelihood of 'man-made earthquakes'

Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) is announcing at the AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition in Alberta, Canada, that version 5.0 of its 3DStress software offers new, improved capabilities for oil and gas industry clients. ...

Oil and gas wastewater disposal may harm West Virginia waterways

Unconventional oil and gas (UOG) operations combine directional drilling and hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking," to release natural gas and oil from underground rock. Recent studies have centered on potential water pollution ...

How one US state went from two quakes a year to 585

The central US state of Oklahoma has gone from registering two earthquakes a year to nearly two a day and scientists point to a controversial culprit: wastewater injection wells used in fracking.

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