New ZEBRA bracelet strengthens computer security

In a big step for securing critical information systems, such as medical records in clinical settings, Dartmouth College researchers have created a new approach to computer security that authenticates users continuously while ...

Groundwater is safe in potential N.Y. fracking area

Two Cornell hydrologists have completed a thorough groundwater examination of drinking water in a potential hydraulic fracturing area in New York's Southern Tier. They determined that drinking water in potable wells near ...

Study links disposing of wastewater to Oklahoma earthquakes

The dramatic increase in earthquakes in central Oklahoma since 2009 is likely attributable to subsurface wastewater injection at just a handful of disposal wells, finds a new study to be published in the journal Science on ...

Fracking study finds new gas wells leak more

In the state of Pennsylvania's gas drilling boom, newer and unconventional wells leak far more often than older and traditional ones, according to a study of state inspection reports for 41,000 wells.

Probing the inner secrets of nanowires

( —Semiconductor nanowires (NWs) are vanishingly small: NWs from a recent batch made by scientists in PML's Quantum Electronics and Photonics Division measure about 200 nanometers in diameter (less than 1/500th ...

Scientists find new arsenic threat in deep water wells

"Dig deep" to avoid naturally occurring arsenic contamination has been promoted as an answer to obtaining safe water in South Asia, which has experienced mass poisoning. But arsenic has been found in numerous deep wells drilled ...

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