How bubble studies benefit science and engineering

The image above shows a perfect bubble imploding in weightlessness. This bubble, and many like it, are produced by the researchers from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland. What makes this bubble ...

Stephen Hawking: Explore space for humanity's sake

Stephen Hawking, the British physicist who spent his career decoding the universe and even experienced weightlessness, is urging the continuation of space exploration—for humanity's sake.

Virgin Galactic spaceship makes first powered flight (Update)

Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo has made its first powered flight, breaking the sound barrier in a test over the Mojave Desert that moves the company closer to its goal of flying paying passengers on brief hops into space.

How do cats deal with being weightless?

Since my previous post was about dogs, its time to give equal time to the cats … although I'm guessing the cat lovers of the world won't have a great reaction to this one. Here's some footage from some the Aerospace Medical ...

Weightlessness weighs heavy on genes -- a fly's perspective

On Earth all biology is subjected to gravity. Some biological systems require gravity for correct orientation (geotropism: plants grow up, roots grow down). In the absence of gravity even human biology is affected: astronauts ...

The next generation of stem cells

Embryonic stem cells behave very differently outside the pull of Earth's gravity, researchers suggest.

Suit up for Skinsuit

The Space Medicine Office of ESA's European Astronaut Centre is managing a project that could help astronauts overcome back problems in space, simply by wearing a high-tech tight-fitting 'skinsuit'.

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