Weightless US teachers eye giant science leap

"Excited," "nervous," "terrified" -- just three emotions described by a group of US teachers about to take a dizzying "weightless" flight all for the cause of science, naturally.

UCF students to experience free-fall for physics experiment

(PhysOrg.com) -- A team of current, past and future University of Central Florida students will float around in weightlessness like astronauts this month as part of a physics experiment that could provide valuable information ...

Researchers complete 520-day mock mission to Mars

(AP) -- Pale but smiling, an international crew of researchers on Friday walked out of a set of windowless modules after a grueling 520-day simulation of a flight to Mars.

Moscow's Mars volunteers to 'land' after 520 days

Six volunteers Friday will emerge blinking into the outside world after spending almost one-and-a-half-years in isolation at a Russian research centre to test the effects on humans of a flight to Mars.

Dream is over for Virgin Galactic space tourist

Venture capitalist Alan Walton has trekked to the North Pole, climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and skydived over Mount Everest. A hop into space to enjoy a few minutes of weightlessness would have been the ultimate adventure.

Russians 'never, ever had sex in space': official

Russian or Soviet cosmonauts never had sex in space in the 50 years of human exploration of the cosmos. And that's official, according to a Russian expert. As for Americans, well, you'd better ask them.

First man in space: A 50-year-old feat remembered

(AP) -- It was the Soviet Union's own giant leap for mankind, one that would spur a humiliated America to race for the moon. It happened 50 years ago this Tuesday, when an air force pilot named Yuri Gagarin became the first ...

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