Researchers discover secret of weevil diamond-like coat

( -- The diamond weevil (Entimus imperialis), also called sometimes as the Australian weevil, is a bug known throughout Australia as a pest, (another close relative resides in South America) as are most weevils ...

Papuan weevil has screw-in legs

( -- New research has found that humans were not the first species to invent the nut and bolt mechanism for screwing one thing to another: weevils do the same to attach their legs to their bodies instead of using ...

Pest preferences for cranberry cultivars determined

To determine whether insect herbivores have a feeding preference for certain cultivars of cranberry, researchers investigated the phenolic profiles in the foliage of two cranberry cultivars, then isolated and identified compounds ...

Discovery of red palm weevil in California

Scientists and growers met on campus Friday, Oct. 22, to address a potentially devastating new threat to California?s iconic palm trees: the red palm weevil.

No Mistaking this Bug with New Insect ID Technique

( -- Misidentifying boll weevils caught in pheromone traps could be easier to avoid, thanks to a new DNA fingerprinting method devised by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists and their collaborators.

New canola strain takes the 'evil' out of 'weevil'

( -- A strain of canola that could save farmers millions of dollars per year in crop losses and insecticide costs has been developed in part by a University of Alberta researcher.

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