Growing organic rice for market niche not simple

A market niche for organic rice has a potential to yield premium prices for farmers, but it's more involved than simply planting the seed and forgetting it until harvest time.

Invasive weevil spreads north, endangering California's palms

An invasive beetle that crossed from Mexico into southern San Diego County more than five years ago is continuing to head north, threatening widespread destruction of ornamental palm trees and date palms that could add up ...

New resource for managing the Mexican rice borer

A moth caterpillar called the Mexican rice borer (Eoreuma loftini) has taken a heavy toll on sugar cane and rice crops in Texas, and has moved into Louisiana, Florida, and other Gulf Coast states. Now a new article in the ...

Red palm weevils can fly 50 kilometers in 24 hours

The red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) has been a pest of coconut palms in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines for a long time. More recently, it's become a pest of 40 different palm species ...

Weevils no match for apple export industry

Good news for Pink Lady apple fans, as researchers have found a solution to eradicating weevils that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars for Western Australian apple exports.

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