Stunting plants' skyward reach could lead to improved yields

In the forest's fight for survival, it's the tallest trees that prevail by reaching for sunlight and shading competition. Corn and other plants, too, divert precious energy to grow higher when nearby plants start to encroach.

Herbicide diversity needed to keep Roundup effective

Using a diverse herbicide application strategy may increase production costs, but a five-year Purdue University study shows the practice will drastically reduce weeds and seeds that are resistant to a popular herbicide.

Feed your crop, not the weeds

If you have weed problems in your cropping system, will adding nutrients just feed the weeds?

Houndstongue is a controllable problem on range and wild lands

( -- Houndstongue--also known as beggar's lice, dog's tongue, sheep bur and woolmat--is not only a general nuisance to those of you who find its sticky seeds stuck in your shoelaces or the hair of your dogs and ...

Climate change may wake up 'sleeper' weeds

( -- Climate change will cause some of Australia’s potential weeds to move south by up to 1000km, according to a report by scientists at CSIRO’s Climate Adaptation Flagship.

Farmers relying on roundup lose some of its benefit

( -- Roundup Ready crops have made weed control much easier for farmers, but a new study shows their reliance on the technology may be weakening the herbicide's ability to control weeds.

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