High court to hear farmer, Monsanto seed dispute

(AP)—The Supreme Court is agreeing to hear a dispute between a soybean farmer and Monsanto Co. over the company's efforts to limit farmer's use of its patented, genetically engineered Roundup Ready seeds.

'Superweeds' linked to rising herbicide use in GM crops

A study published this week by Washington State University research professor Charles Benbrook finds that the use of herbicides in the production of three genetically modified herbicide-tolerant crops—cotton, soybeans and ...

Remotely Piloted Aircraft will help in fight against bushfires

With much of Australia looking like reverting to a dry bushfire-prone weather pattern avionics engineers at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) are pulling out all stops to develop the technology to enable remotely ...

Resistance evolution in weeds puts 2,4-D under the microscope

(Phys.org)—Researchers are investigating why a broadleaf herbicide used successfully to control weeds in agriculture for the past 60 years is now no longer effective against the crop weed, wild radish, in the Western Australian ...

Gene breakthrough could boost rice yields by 20 percent

Scientists on Wednesday said they had developed a strain of rice that grows well in soils lacking the nutrient phosphorus, a feat that could boost crop yields for some farmers by as much as a fifth.

When the grass isn't always greener

Worries about Pennsylvania facing a severe drought seem to have faded with recent rainstorms, but the question of how to care for your lawn during this summer's heat is still important.

Glyphosate-resistant tumbleweed found in Montana

A researcher for the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station's Southern Agricultural Research Center in Huntley has identified glyphosate-resistant kochia populations in fields north of Gildford and Hingham in Montana.

Tamarisk biocontrol efforts get evolutionary boost

UC Santa Barbara scientists trying to control the invasive tamarisk plant have been getting a boost from evolution, in the form of a rapidly evolving beetle that has been changing its life cycle to more efficiently consume ...

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