A modeling tool to rapidly predict weed spread risk

In the study, published in the journal Methods in Ecology and Evolution, the researchers developed the tool that uses information about the features of a weed species and the geography of the area in which it has been reported ...

Fungus fights oxygen-sucking water weed

In parts of the South, there are stories about an invasive floating weed, which forms such a dense mass that it enables small animals to walk across water.

Fighting a mighty weed

Weeds are pesky in any situation. Now, imagine a weed so troublesome that it has mutated to resist multiple herbicides. Palmer amaranth, a member of the pigweed family, is spreading across states and growing in strength. ...

Got noxious weeds? In Seattle metro, there's an app for that

The small, white flower clusters can reach up to 10 feet and, to the unaware landscaper, would look pretty in a garden. Its leaves are bright green and the root looks like a carrot or parsnip. But the plant is also an invader ...

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