Plant biologists shed light on 144-year-old seedy mystery

In April 2021, four Michigan State University plant scientists met at an undisclosed area on campus to dig up a bottle containing seeds buried more than 144 years ago by MSU botanist William J. Beal.

Hundreds of weeds found illegally advertised online in Australia

Hundreds of weeds have been found advertised on a public online marketplace in Australia. Cacti and pond plants were among the most frequently advertised illegal weed species. These weeds are prohibited in Australia due to ...

Weeds grow at London's Chelsea Flower Show

Nettles, dandelions, brambles: weeds—once considered a scourge—are taking pride of place at London's Chelsea Flower Show as gardeners concern themselves more than ever with biodiversity and sustainable development.

Weeds: The good, the bad, and the sometimes beautiful

Spring is here and many fields of crops are dotted with red poppies. Farmers know that this is not a good sign, even if hundreds of people show up, mobile phones in hand, in search of the best photograph.

Biocontrol solution for sustainable management of aquatic weed

Australia's national science agency, CSIRO, and one of the nation's largest water companies Seqwater, are using a tiny defender—a weevil smaller than a grain of rice—to help stop an exotic weed spreading through Australia's ...

Trees can be weeds as well: Here's why that's a problem

When we think of weeds, often what comes to mind are small, quick-growing plants such as the dandelions or couch grass we might find in our gardens. You may not think of trees as being weedy.

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