US firm confirms web censoring tools used in Syria

A US firm specializing in Internet censoring equipment on Friday confirmed that Syria was using its products to block web activity, amid a brutal crackdown on anti-regime protests.

Internet doomsday virus appears to fizzle

The so-called Internet doomsday virus with the potential to black out tens of thousands of computers worldwide appeared to pose no major problems Monday after a temporary fix expired.

US aims to block bid to give UN control of Internet

The United States will oppose a bid to revise a global treaty to bring the Internet under UN control or to impose new taxes on Web traffic, the head of a US delegation said Wednesday.

UN group OKs new video format to save bandwidth

The U.N. telecommunications agency says its members have agreed upon a new compression format that could dramatically cut the amount of Internet bandwidth currently used by video files.

Q&A: Net neutrality rules go into effect

New rules that treat the Internet like a public utility and prevent companies from blocking or slowing down some online traffic took effect Friday.

Google crowns Facebook king of Internet visits

Google on Friday released Web traffic data indicating that Facebook is king when it comes to online visitors despite criticism about privacy at the social-networking service.

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