Amazon sellers seek more clout with new 'merchants guild'

The millions of merchants who sell products on Inc. have long craved more leverage over their powerful benefactor. Now some are creating a trade association in the hopes that a unified voice will force Amazon to ...

Review: Lots of innovations beyond iOS and Android

(AP)—The "1 percent" is often used to disparage the American elites at the very top of the wealth scale. When it comes to smartphones, however, the "1 percent" is the bottom of the heap.

Shoplifters hit up Chrome Store for Facebook data

( -- A cash-for-Facebook’s-“likes” hustle hanging out in Google Chrome Web Store has been discovered by Kaspersky Lab. The researchers first discovered extensions leading to the wave of hijackings ...

Zuckerberg's China trip sparks Facebook frenzy

The sight of a vacationing Mark Zuckerberg in Shanghai has sparked a frenzy of online speculation over the possibility Facebook might return to China, even though the site remains firmly blocked.

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