New method to predict the workload for online services

How can overloads on the Internet be prevented? Cloud computing means that more server space can be rented from large computing resources. Ahmed Hassan has developed algorithms for automatic addition and removal of server ...

Why we need to keep adding leap seconds

Today at precisely 10am Australian Eastern Standard time, something chronologically peculiar will take place: there'll be an extra second between 09:59:59 and 10:00:00.

Q&A: Net neutrality rules go into effect

New rules that treat the Internet like a public utility and prevent companies from blocking or slowing down some online traffic took effect Friday.

WhatsApp adds messaging from Web

The popular mobile messaging application WhatsApp, acquired by Facebook last year for nearly $22 billion, unveiled a new service Wednesday for sending messages from a Web browser.

Out-of-patience investors sell off Amazon

Amazon has long acted like an ideal customer on its own website: a freewheeling big spender with no worries about balancing a checkbook. Investors confident in founder and CEO Jeff Bezos' invest-and-expand strategy flooded ...

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