Tech 101: How a denial-of-service attack works

(AP) -- Investigators are piecing together details about one of the most aggressive computer attacks in recent memory - a powerful "denial-of-service" assault that overwhelmed computers at U.S. and South Korean government ...

White House among targets of sweeping cyber attack

(AP) -- The powerful attack that overwhelmed computers at U.S. and South Korean government agencies for days was even broader than initially realized, also targeting the White House, the Pentagon and the New York Stock Exchange.

New e-science service could accelerate cancer research

The University of Manchester and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory's European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) have launched a major new e-science resource for biologists - which could accelerate research into ...

FTC shuts allegedly rogue Internet provider

(AP) -- The federal government has severed the Internet connection of a company accused of helping criminals serve up a "witches' brew" of nasty content online, from computer viruses to child pornography.

As Web communication shrinks, so do links

(AP) -- On the short-messaging service Twitter, space is at a premium: You've got 140 characters to make your point, and you probably don't want to waste half of it on a super-sized link to your latest YouTube obsession.

Grid browser finds the meaning of life

( -- A web browser that can understand technical terms in life sciences and automatically find additional resources and services has been developed by European researchers. It could lead to a new generation of ...

Review: Flaws in Web's much-touted WolframAlpha

(AP) -- When a free Web service called WolframAlpha launches in the coming days, the general public will get to try a "computational knowledge engine" that has had technology insiders buzzing because of its oracle-like ability ...

Yahoo! abandoning GeoCities

Yahoo! said Thursday it will close its GeoCities service that provides people a free online locale for home pages.

Web founder makes online privacy plea

Plans by Internet service providers to deliver targeted adverts to consumers based on their Web searches threaten online privacy and should be opposed, the founder of the Web said Wednesday.

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