Blekko launches human-driven search engine

(AP) -- If Google and Wikipedia were to procreate, their offspring might look something like Blekko, a new search engine with results culled by people, not computer algorithms.

Ad click-through rate lower than previously thought

The rate of ad clicks from sponsored and non-sponsored links was reported in a recent study conducted by researchers from Penn State and the Queensland University of Technology.

Nintendo, Google to release Wii 'web search' game

Japanese video game maker Nintendo said Wednesday it had jointly developed a Wii game with US Internet giant Google in which players compete to generate the most search engine results.

Google digging deeper to improve search results (Update)

(AP) -- Google Inc. is about to add more features to its already dominant Internet search engine - and some of the changes could give Web surfers less reason to click through to other sites. That scenario might upset the ...

China web giant Baidu sorry after media lashing

China's top online search engine Baidu has apologised on state television following a barrage of criticism by official media over allegedly fraudulent advertisements.

Iran blocks access to Gmail

Iran blocked access to Google's popular and relatively secure Gmail service Monday amid first steps by the Islamic republic to establish a walled-off national intranet separate from the worldwide Internet.

Google Chrome gets boost with Sony tie-up

Sony said Tuesday that its Vaio-brand computers sold in the United States would have Google's Chrome as their default Internet browser, boosting the search engine giant's fight against rival Microsoft.

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