Microsoft tops Yahoo! in search in August: Nielsen

Microsoft's Bing and other Internet search services overtook Yahoo! for the first time to become the number two search engine in the United States in August, The Nielsen Co. said Tuesday.

Texas opens inquiry into Google search rankings (Update)

(AP) -- Google Inc.'s methods for recommending websites are being reviewed by Texas' attorney general in an investigation spurred by complaints that the company has abused its power as the Internet's dominant search engine.

Google loosens Europe ad trademark controls

Google shook up its lucrative online advertising service in Europe on Wednesday, saying it would allow sellers to register other companies' brand names as search "keywords" when shopping on the Internet.

Mouse Trail Leads to Online Shoppers

( -- Emory computer scientists Eugene Agichtein and Qi Guo have developed on online tool that helps predict whether a person intends to buy or to browse by tracking the cursor movements.

Google buys visual search start-up Plink

US giant Google has moved to strengthen its visual search engine tool Google Goggles with the purchase of start-up Plink for an undisclosed amount, Plink's founders announced on Monday.

Nintendo, Google to release Wii 'web search' game

Japanese video game maker Nintendo said Wednesday it had jointly developed a Wii game with US Internet giant Google in which players compete to generate the most search engine results.

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