Adobe to offer Flash to iPhone developers

(AP) - Adobe Systems says developers for Apple's iPhone will be able to use its video-enabling software, Flash, to create applications for the device for the first time.

Taking the hard work out of software

Developing software is a complicated and laborious process. A new European platform automates much of the tricky building and testing phases of programming.

HP unveils Web-connected printer

Hewlett Packard unveiled a printer on Monday with a built-in Web connection that allows printing directly from the Internet without a personal computer.

Certain interactive tools click with web users

Before web developers add the newest bells and the latest whistles to their website designs, a team of researchers suggests they zoom in on the tools that click with the right users and for the right tasks.

Giving web developers tools to protect their sites and users

Most Internet users know that practicing good online hygiene – never clicking on spam, choosing strong passwords and setting up two-factor authentication – is essential for protecting their personal information. They ...

Adobe's Creative Cloud suffers lengthy outage

Adobe's Creative Cloud software subscription service has been inaccessible for the past day for the 1.8 million designers, Web developers and other creative professionals who pay to use it.

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