Mobile phones trump computers among online Chinese

Mobile phones have overtaken computers as the most popular device for getting online in China, the government said Thursday, as it announced the number of web users had hit 538 million.

Making it easier to build secure Web applications

Two years ago, a fledgling social-networking site called Blippy accidentally posted the credit card numbers of its users online. While that was a particularly egregious example, such inadvertent information leaks happen all ...

Apps could fence in free-range Internet: US study

The free-ranging Internet is under assault by mobile applications that connect people exclusively to content kept in "walled gardens" online, according to a US study released Thursday.

Web security start-up receives $1.1 million

A technology start-up created by a graduate of the University of California, Riverside Bourns College of Engineering that focuses on helping web site owners prevent, detect and recover from hacker attacks has raised $1.1 ...

CSIC inquiry tests visual intelligence through Facebook

A team of researchers from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) have developed a web application to test the visual intelligence of Facebook users through the social network. The new platform will enable researchers ...

Tapjoy calms mobile 'app' storm

Startup Tapjoy on Thursday set out to woo smartphone and tablet computer lovers with a marketplace that makes it easy to find and use applications suited to their tastes.

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