Information, writ widely

Imagine an online catalog for data from researchers worldwide, a resource allowing scholars to not only read journal articles, but view the complete data sets behind the studies, a way for them to draw from, reproduce, cite, ...

Social media & archaeology—a match not made in heaven

Archaeologists are avid users of social media, as well as online crowd-based funding and content-sourcing tools—deploying them to save sites, sustain the historic environment and protect history, often in the face of government ...

The hacking tools that terrorise the internet

Hacking is a state of mind. Traditionally, hackers like to discover, understand and share the secrets they expose. They like to laugh at the dumb things they find. They're not necessarily in it for the money, more so for ...

Team develops web tool to speed data collection

By 2030, one in five Americans will be age 65 or older. To understand the role neighborhoods play in seniors' ability to 'age in place'—living safely and independently in one's home of choice rather than in a healthcare ...

Facebook awards 'Internet Defense Prize'

Facebook awarded a $50,000 Internet Defense Prize to a pair of German researchers with a seemingly viable approach to detecting vulnerabilities in Web applications.

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