A combination of wood fibres and spider silk could rival plastic

Achieving strength and extensibility at the same time has so far been a great challenge in material engineering: increasing strength has meant losing extensibility and vice versa. Now Aalto University and VTT researchers ...

A summer of learning, deep in Costa Rica

Gazing across the Convento River in southern Costa Rica, Taite Nazifi envisions a software solution for conservationists who examine the water rushing below. He snaps photos, observes wildlife and considers fields of data ...

Preservation for the (digital) ages

When Deborah Beck was preparing her book, Speech Presentation in Homeric Epic, her publisher suggested she make the database she had started in 2008—a searchable catalogue of features from every speech in the Homeric poems—available ...

New app for matching electric cars to the driver

A new app helps drivers decide if switching from a petrol-driven car to an electric car is a viable solution for them – and which vehicle model would be best suited to their individual requirements. It was developed by ...

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