Related topics: space weather

Crops watering by phone

Thanks to a new app, smart phones could help monitor irrigation water use according to need. This could ensure that food is available on our table is the produced in a sustainable way.

Harnessing diverse climate and weather conditions

To make a building sustainable, taking into account its climatic conditions is key. No better examples than the three showcase buildings under the EU funded DIRECTION project. They are based in Munich, Germany and Valladolid, ...

Climate and land use: Europe's floods raise questions

Less than three months after being battered by snow and ice, central Europe now finds itself fighting floods—and some scientists are pointing the finger at human interference with the climate system.

For farmers, plenty of uncertainty accompanies planting season

The first week of May is traditionally thought of as the ideal time for Iowa farmers to begin planting, but a slow start to spring and volatile grain markets in recent weeks have left producers with a lot of questions, agronomy ...

Sandy criticism prompts change in storm warnings

The National Hurricane Center is changing the way it issues hurricane and tropical storm watches and warnings after being criticized over its handling of Superstorm Sandy.

Drought declared in New Zealand's North Island

New Zealand declared a drought across its entire North Island for the first time in at least 30 years on Friday, with low river levels in the capital Wellington also worrying officials.

An accurate way of predicting landslides

A landslide can seriously injure or even kill people. Now, a new early warning system will be the first to employ geological data in tandem with the latest weather forecasts to provide a concrete warning in emergency situations.

NASA transfers operational control of environmental satellite

The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) satellite, a partnership between NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), was transitioned to NOAA operational organization control Feb. 22, ...

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