Related topics: space weather

Researcher examines motion of breaking waves

During the spring of 2011, Lake Poinsett homeowners were amazed at how easily the waves destroyed their sandbag and concrete barricades, but South Dakota State University Civil Engineering Professor Francis Ting was not. ...

Superfast model brain to predict flooding during heavy rain

( —Heavy rain has one again resulted in widespread flooding across the country. With climate change likely to cause further severe weather events in the coming years, methods of quickly predicting flooding will ...

Solar storm near Earth caused by fast CME

On March 17, 2013, at 1:28 a.m. EDT, the coronal mass ejection (CME) from March 15 passed by NASA's Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) as it approached Earth. Upon interacting with the giant magnetic bubble surrounding Earth, ...

Sun spits out two CMEs

The sun recently erupted with two coronal mass ejections (CMEs). One began at 8:36 p.m. EDT on March 12, 2013 and is directed toward three NASA spacecraft, Spitzer, Kepler and Epoxi. There is, however, no particle radiation ...

New technologies deployed to counter the threat of GPS jamming

The first profile of the perpetrators of GPS jamming on British roads will be presented today alongside research results that confirm it is these small device, available online for as little as £30, rather extreme solar ...

NASA provides satellite views of nor'easter lifespan

NASA and NOAA satellites have provided animations and images of the coupling of two low pressure areas that created the now historic winter-time nor'easter that brought more than two feet of snow to portions of the New England ...

Earth-directed CME released by long duration solar flare

(—On Feb. 9, 2013 at 2:30 a.m. EST, the sun erupted with an Earth-directed coronal mass ejection or CME, associated with a long duration C2.4-class flare. Experimental NASA research models, based on observations ...

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