Related topics: space weather

Augmenting microgrid technology: A new way for reliable power

A group of American and Chinese researchers has designed and tested a microgrid system that is both robust and reliable—and therefore capable of delivering energy safely and without interruptions. This is particularly important ...

NRL instrument provides key space weather data

Data products from the Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager (SSULI) developed by the NRL Spacecraft Engineering Department and Space Science Division were officially transitioned for use in operational systems at the Air ...

Europe launches two navigation satellites

Two satellites for Europe's rival to GPS were lifted into space on Friday to boost the Galileo constellation to six orbiters of a final 30, the European Space Agency (ESA) said.

Australian climate on 'steroids' after hottest summer

Australia's weather went "on steroids" over a summer that saw an unprecedented heatwave, bushfires and floods, the climate chief said Monday, warning that global warming would only make things worse.

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