Related topics: space weather

Study finds Southern Hemisphere becoming drier

A decline in April-May rainfall over south-east Australia is associated with a southward expansion of the subtropical dry-zone according to research published today in Scientific Reports, a primary research journal from the ...

Next-generation autos go for global connectivity

Touch navigational screens, Internet, communications systems: Automakers are ramping up an array of connectivity gizmos to lure consumers into buying next-generation vehicles.

Pollution teams with thunderclouds to warm atmosphere

Pollution is warming the atmosphere through summer thunderstorm clouds, according to a computational study published May 10 in Geophysical Research Letters. How much the warming effect of these clouds offsets the cooling ...

New technologies deployed to counter the threat of GPS jamming

The first profile of the perpetrators of GPS jamming on British roads will be presented today alongside research results that confirm it is these small device, available online for as little as £30, rather extreme solar ...

Record Balkan floods linked to jamming of giant airstreams

Disastrous floods in the Balkans two years ago are likely linked to the temporary slowdown of giant airstreams, scientists found. These wind patterns, circling the globe in the form of huge waves between the Equator and the ...

Scientists shed light on riddle of Sun's explosive events

(—Four decades of active research and debate by the solar physics community have failed to bring consensus on what drives the sun's powerful coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that can have profound "space weather" ...

A method to study extreme space weather events

Scientists at Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech), together with international colleagues, have developed a method to study fast coronal mass ejections, powerful bursts of magnetized matter from the outer ...

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