Related topics: space weather

US haze from Canada fires rare and extreme event: expert

The air pollution swamping the northeast United States this week from smoke spewed by fires in Canada is "exceptionally rare" and "extreme", said Ryan Stauffer, a NASA scientist specializing in air pollution.

Cloud-resolving climate model meets world's fastest supercomputer

Focused on the accuracy of climate predictions, a computational team led by Sandia National Laboratories recently achieved a major milestone with a cloud-resolving model they ran on Frontier, the world's first exascale supercomputer.

Modeling agriculture matters for carbon cycling

To understand Earth's changing climate, scientists often turn to science-based computer simulations. Researchers strive to make these Earth system models as accurate as possible. Factors such as wind currents, air quality, ...

A mechanistic and probabilistic method for predicting wildfires

Spanning long distances across variable terrains, electric power systems can spark wildfires in the event of dry weather and high winds. This may occur when conductor cables oscillate in such a way to become close to the ...

Global warming reaches central Greenland

A temperature reconstruction from ice cores of the past 1,000 years reveals that today's warming in central-north Greenland is surprisingly pronounced. The most recent decade surveyed in a study, the years 2001 to 2011, was ...

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